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Food Trucks and Cooking Demos Spark School Meal Excitement For Detroit Students
From street tacos to stir fry, Detroit public schools’ food trucks and live cooking demonstrations fight student stigmas around school meals.
‘It’s Trendy, It’s New’: Is The Future of Healthy School Lunch Vending Machines?
How one Louisiana district increased school meal participation — and eased its cafeteria labor shortage.
Fewer School Meals: Data From Top Districts Reveal 7% Decline in Students Accessing Lunches Last Year
As districts adjust to the absence of federally funded free school meals, experts say statewide policies are needed to improve student participation.
Community Eligibility: The Key to Hunger-Free Students or Just a Band-Aid?
20.8% nationwide growth in CEP participation fuels conversations on the need for universal free school meals in public schools.
Rhode Island Unlikely To Provide Universal School Meals For Public School Kids
Despite overwhelming majority of Senate support, the Rhode Island House will likely not approve budget for free lunch and breakfast.
Schools’ New Normal: Teacher Shortages, Repeat Meals, Late Buses, Canceled Classes
From recruiting staff at the grocery store to launching onsite aftercare, schools are trying to adapt in their third pandemic year.
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